Monday, July 27, 2009
HAHA watch this video!!!
its funny?my couz anyhow click then see this deLOLtmr got sjab:(hahai dun think i need do anything cus my leg is injured:)haha BYES(:
Posted by Rachelx) at 5:58 AM
Sunday, July 26, 2009
YAY liverpool win(:actually quite obvious lahahatoo bad steven gerrard not playingmuahahahaaaso long never blog-.-blah blah blah i m gonna fail math testi m gonna pass DnT testhaha got geog testhaha this advertisement is very nice?
quite cute la
cyas BYES
Posted by Rachelx) at 6:05 AM
Friday, July 3, 2009
AHAHA ok liting is too
LAZY to blog so i'm gonna help her!
k since its quite late.. i shall just copy and paste my whole post HAHAHHA
btw.. i'm..

woohoo it seems that AYG is quite interesting!
k la the learning journey today wasn't that bad k :P
haha the huge board game was kinda fun
and stupid lt and yl won noooooooo :(
me and susan was 1 star away man, cheaters la them :X
ahaha then we went to see the booths and all that,
some booths were kinda cool.
dam cute la he :P we kept joking around with him and hi-fived him!
we also took pictures with him, i mean everyone did k!
seriously, its like one after another man
haha he must hate his job :P
LOL but very funny la

haha what a nice toilet :P
hmm then we went to the flag place!
where all the 45 flags were there
and we had to guess some of the very hard flags :P
the wind could blow us away i swear
the wind was soooo strong that we wanted to die haha!
haha and we took a group photo :)

after that we went back,
took our bags and our facils brought us to the mrt
but then me, susan, liting and yanlin went to eat at mac!
hahahah then hmmm lt and yl went home after that i think :P
susan and i went vivoooooooooo!

super cool 45 flags! but in this pic it isn't 45 la of cos..

evolution of the torches

tuna bread with garlic chilli woohoooo!
heheheh ok nights guyssssssss!
sleep well and sweet dreams :)
sweet dreams ah liting! DREAM OF ME :X
Posted by Rachelx) at 9:05 AM
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
sch start le SIANstudy. i went iluma jux nowvery nice leh the place very big the food also very nice haha i eat the ice cream very nice hahahaha 2dae sjab daywear the uniform whole day sian then ganna caught for hair damn it also not whole level checkhaha bye
Posted by Rachelx) at 6:02 AM