Monday, May 18, 2009
wow i reach sch so early
then i go read the twilight book again
class so boring
oh ya i flunk my math
ganna scolded by my mother
say wd chinese suck
math suck
history suck
now nagging
say wad i play com
i never lor
sian tmr must go sch
hahs 2dae dat serve detention
she say wad mr kung buy them chocolate
i bet she dun dare late again
sian lah needa go le
kkies byes(:
Posted by Rachelx) at 6:31 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
hahhas was at wudi's partyi think i was on time ?my mum fetch dat fm tiong then she stop us at valley point then we walk thereless then 5 mins wudi stanley yan lin n yen yi came to find usthen we watch movie...wwethe blacklash sadd... jeff hardy got owned by matt hardythen we all went to eat yan lin so hungry that she even helped the delivery person then she eat 3 servings i ate one but went to take dessertthe chocolate thing was nicehahasthen we went toilet take picwe rushed to the playgroundi took that spinning thing at first i not giddy the then aft a while giddythen jian yong ray n wei xian camehahas they so latethen aft that we went bak the club houseblah blah blahtalk talk talk then wudi gave his speech then we decided to go cyrushahasi tot i wontbut in the end i didi watch dat play wah she damn pro the first part almost own jasperbut in the end he win hahsjason played dotaguan yuan appeared saying he played for 10 hrs alri scared michael at the door then marcus came play than my mum fetch yen yi n dat to tiong mrtthen fetch yan lin homei gave her the card my mum bought 4 me the handwriting super weird cus i rushed n the car was movingwent somewhere near river valley buy dinner now eating dinner sian tmr got sch i dun wan go sia i scared my math wont add up to 75then i die liaomy mother will kill meoh ya i m grounded this week starting from mondaesian thx to history history sucksi hate it hahas but a great achievement first time fail examhahascried a little though no one seehahasahhhhh i full alr how ?
still got so much more to eat
damn it
hahas going to sleep soonn
wait some pics

we were at the pool side... oh ya the security guard sux there

hahas they gay
Posted by Rachelx) at 7:28 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009
i wanna change my blog skin but i too lazy (:hhahahahhaas have fun reading the below post :Doh ya it ws my bdae on 13 may thx for the presents i love the lip thing hahas i had fun putting it on in front of the mirror lols thatwill be Datina weeeeeeekkies lets have this song the music video is cute(;nice?not sure if it worksoh ya a pic of us at plaza sing 13 may

hahas i look kinda weird
i felt that i shouldnt be the odd one out to wear spects
i took the pic leh
so pro not like D----A hahas kidding
i watched 3 movies in a row man with a day or 2 in between
Xman on 12 may ; The ramen girl on 13 may ; the uninvited 2 dae
hahas i wanna watch anoter one!!
i m on movie craze(:
nitez even though i not sleeping soon ;D
Posted by Rachelx) at 9:11 AM
okkies i m free? now
tagged to do this quiz by DATINA WEE YU YIN
i feel like killing her
cus she should be glad...
i will give her a peaceful death in her sleep stabbed wif a knife
(: i love myself... i have so much selfcontrol
damn it a 100 questions
lets start or it will never end;D
1.Real name : Goh Li Ting
2. Nickname : ting ting ?! ting gu ? hahas u will not know the rest
3. Star sign : Virgo
4. Male or female : obviously female -.-
5. Primary School : Raffles Girl's Primary School
6. Secondary School : Gan Eng Seng School
7. JC/Poly : Raffles Junior College(actually no hope.... mabe catholic junior college)
8. Hair color : looks kinda black actually all brown under the sun
9. Long or short : middle i guess
10. Loud or Quiet : i can be both
11. Sweats or Jeans : lets see wad mood i m in first.
12. Phone or Camera : both i hate some phones n cameras
13. Health freak : yeah rite u will never see me eating healthy food a single day
14. Drink or Smoke? : smoke its kinda cool
15. Do you have a crush on someone? : thats yr choice to think
16. Eat or Drink : none i m an and ANGEL
17. Piercings : 3 on my right ear 2 on my left, 1 on my tongue? it looks like i m eating sweet
yeah? my teacher had that b4
18. Tattoos : sure anything nice
19. Been in an airplane : yup i was on that shit when i was 6months old
20. Been in a relationship : yeah the 1st doesnt count he's not fit cus i think i was mad at that time ;D
21. Been in a car accident : yaya i lost both my hands
22. Been in a fist fight : ya they get owned
23. First piercing : sec1 with yan lin datina so hyun n meiying giving me pressure my mum even asked how many i wanted
24. First best friend : those few i just mentioned in Q23
25. First award : the award for being born
26. First crush : k1 his name was Dylan... dun think the one in gess.... YMCA(:
28. First vacation : i dunno Singapore i guess i'm fm sumother country
29. Last person you talked to : on phone?...shina face to face...shina
30. Last person you texted : no. 1381?
31. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: my mom at 5.45
32. Last food you ate : mango
33. Last movie you watched : THE UNVITED so d amn freaking NICE!!
34. Last song you listened to : Dont Trust me- 3Oh!3
35. Last thing you bought : i dont give a damn
36. Last person you hugged : my dog
37. Food : junk food
38. Drinks : i m on a ice lemon tea craze now
39. Clothing : the ones on the top of my cupboard
40. Books : Warroirs n mabe Seekers. both by smth hunter
41. Song : You belong with me-talor swift
42. Flower : Rose? make them purple JOKING
43. Colors : black, white... i've got smthing with pink now or daes?
44. Movies : Horror, Comedy, action
45. Phrase : 'go die la' 'arsehole'
46. Subjects : home econ n science for now they help me earn $50
( mark 'X' in th bracket if you've done it )
47. [ ] Kissed in the snow (IT WOULD BE SO COOL)
48. [] Celebrated Halloween
49. [x] Had your heart broken
50. [x] Went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [ ] Someone questioned your sexual orientation
52. [x] Came out of the closet
53. [ ] Gotten pregnant
54. [ ] Had an abortion
55. [x] Done something you've regretted
56. [x] Broke a promise
57. [x] Hid a secret
58. [x] Pretended to be happy
59. [x] Met someone who changed your life
60. [ ] Pretended to be sick so din have to go church muahahaz!
61. [x] Left the country
62. [x] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
63. [x] Cried over the silliest thing
64. [x] Ran a mile
65. [x] Went to the beach with your best friend(s)
66. [x] Stay single the whole year .
67. Eating : a-i-r
68. Drinking : nothing
69. I'm about ton : wads tat
70. Listening to : beautiful-akon i m listening to 91.3
71. Plans for tomorrow : tuition n play badminton
72. Waiting for : mircales to happen
73. Want kids? : mabe not n mabe will depends lah
74. Want to get married? : blah blah
75. Careers in mind : some job that rest the whole dae with minimum work with a million dollar pay a month
76. Lips or eyes : wtf wad has it got to do with my future
77. Shorter or taller? : 20 cm taller than datina wee yu yin can alr
78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both lah
79. Nice stomach or nice arms : lame shit
80. Sensitive or loud : depends lah wth
81. Hook-up or relationship : relationship lah dumb
82. Trouble-maker or hesitant : i m perfect man JKING
83. Lost glasses/contacts : ya i lost a few spects which cost 200?
84. Ran away from home : nope... looking forward to that day
85. Hold a gun/knife for self defense : yup both u will never know
86. Killed somebody : OF COURSE
87. Broken someone's heart : yup i think i broke mine in the process too;D
88. Been arrested : Ya the
89. Cried when someone died : my grandfather..... i couldnt eat that time n cried alot
90. Yourself : mabe not i dunno :D
91. Miracles : ya when i can spell 'mircle' correctly
92. Love at first sight : YA I DONT xp
93. Heaven : ya my heaven
94. Santa Claus : ya when i was a kid
95. Sex on the first date : no cus he sux
96. Kiss on the first date : no dun plan to
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? : yayaya...
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? : ya right life sux face it
99. Do you believe in God? : Not yet mabe next time
100.This is the 100th and last :
Question : Do you feel empty ? : ya i wanna eat somthing now lets get oreo n milk(:
NOW TAG 10 PEOPLE TO DO THIS: telepathaied it alreadly.
wait i need to get a garbage bag n a pair of rubber gloves
kkies planning the plan ?
it should be a success.
Dunno wads the plan ? read the top
Posted by Rachelx) at 8:09 AM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
so long never blog
jux now was at mac with dat so htun yan lin n yan yi
then dat pangsei us
go debra hm
i noe her in pri sch haven even go her house b4
i think ??
jux now talk to the 2 yanS hahas n dat n so hyun
we make dats bro say hi n bye damn lot of times
then all ewe do is
so damn freaking retarded
esp dat
dunno if mum allow
cya guys !!!
Posted by Rachelx) at 9:41 AM